Iconcool Customer Data Manager is a professional customer data management application.
It can help you manage and maintain your ever-increasing customer data easily. And it can import your order reports into database from well-known shareware registration service such as ShareIt, RegSoft, PayPal, RegNow, Iportis, Fastspring, BMTmicro, Nstar Solutions and etc. In addition, this program supports 18 search fields so that you can search and find the user info you need conveniently. We will continually release new versions to support more and more shareware registration service.
IconCool Customer Data Manager is the first software product supports data import from ShareIt, RegSoft, PayPal, RegNow, Iportis, Fastspring, BMTmicro, Nstar Solutions in current market.
1. Import customer order data from well-known shareware registration service
- The order reports which are exported from shareware registration service will be batch imported into Iconcool Customer Data Manager database. Currently this application supports data import from ShareIt, RegSoft, PayPal and RegNow. This function gathers order data from different ordering systems into one database.

2. Search customer data conveniently
- IconCool Customer Data Manager let you search any customer data you need easily.
And all search results will be auto-sorted by your search field.
Double-click one of the search results, a Send Email Window will pop-up, here you can send email to user directly.

3.Edit your customer data in IconCool Customer Data Manager
- Edit all the items for order info in IconCool Customer Data Manager database, such as email, user name, address and etc.
IconCool Customre Data Manager sets two email fields for your customers, one is Registration Email and another one is Current Email. For the first time purchased users, the email they used to purchase will be kept as Registration Email and also default as Current Email in database, if they change their email, then you can save the new email as Current Email. so that you can search and find the user record by both of Registration Email and Current Email.
For shareware developers, you can generate the registration code with Registration Email and send it to user's Current Email.

4. Export Customer Data
- IconCool Customer Data Manager allows you to export selected customer data from database easily, and it supports variety of parameters setting for the field and format you want to export.